Guide - Gods Unchained
Gods Unchained: Hearthstone blockchain version
Par Crypto Nation – 22 décembre 2021
Do you know Hearthstone? Welcome its new opponent, Gods Unchained. This card game with similar physics than the one made by Blizzard has nevertheless a huge specificity: the cards are your belongings! Need some explications? Let’s go!
Au sommaire de notre guide Gods Unchained :

Presentation of Gods Unchained
On Gods Unchained, the paties are PvP (Player versus Player). After creating a basic card deck, victories in the arena allow to obtain new cards, some are exchangebale for ETH (Ethereum). Everything is accessible for free.
The game is produced by Immutable, Layer-2 platform, allowing to exchange all kind of NFTs (Non Fongible Tokens) with zero fees. In this case, the won cards.
The artistic director is no other than Chris Clay, formerly designing the world reknown card game, Magic.
15 million dollars were raised for the launch in 2018. The game is still in a beta version and attracts up to 50 000 players each week, a numbre constantly increasing!
Sign up on Gods Unchained
The registration is done on the official homepage where creating an Immutable account is necessary to download the launcher.
Click here to join the registration page.
Enter your Email adress and a password.
Accept the Terms of Services, then click on “Next & Download”.
You can now begin your adventure!

Once the launcher executed, you’ll arrive on the main page. Here you’ll find everything: deck creation, card fusion, start a game, pack openings…
When first launching the game, you can do tutorials, do them to obtain 3 free packs!
Here you can start games with friends (3) and ranked games (4). A solo career mode is available by clicking on (4), allowing you to test your decks.
(2) After each party, you receive experience points, up to 400xp depending on the duration of the battle, with a bonus of 100xp per victory. This allows you to level up.
A pack is offered after each level reached and the rarety of the those varies. For example, a legendary pack is offered at level 50, an epic pack at level 10…
(5) Furthermore you gain Flux (in yellow) necessary for the Forge, aswell as the Stars (in blue) to buy cards avalaible in the Star Store. Those cards change daily for some and monthly for others.
(6) To complete the page, we find articles and news related to Gods Unchained and Immutable.
Play a game
The goal of a party is simple: remove all life points of your opponent.
At the start of a party, you’ll have the choice between 3 heroic powers (10), they can be used once per round.
At the first round, your hand contains 3 or 4 cards depending if you engage the battle or not.
Furthermore, the player engaging the combat obtains 1 mana gem, the other players gets 3 gems.
Those allow to win 1 mana for the current round only (5).
The two players use their cards each their turn with the available mana (1). The mana ranges from 0 to 9 and increases each round (warning, when reaching 5, you’ll need two rounds to have 6, same for 7, then three and four rounds to get to 8 and 9).
The cost in mana of each card is indicated on the top left corner (3).
By default, a card is picked per round. But there is an alternative to get cards, thanks to the Favor (2), gained by attacking the ennemy God or by eliminating the enemy servants (with spells or if your servant survives his attack).
You’ll have the possibility to choose between 3 cards (6), their cost varies from 12 to 17 Favors. Choose wisely, this could be decisive!
All your valiantly lost creatures go in the “void” (9), some Gods can make them come back from the deads!
Don’t forget to finish your round (8) before your time (7) is over!
That is how the game unfolds until one of the two Gods (4) loses its whole life points…
Your Gods Unchained collection
All your cards are here. To easily find some cards, filters allow you to classify them depending of your preferences:
- Cost in mana (0 to 9+).
- Life points (0 to 9+).
- Attack points (0 to 9+).
- Tribe (Aether, Amazon, Anubian…).
- Type (weapons, creatures, spells).
- God (Light, War…).
- Scarcity (common, rare, epic, legendary or mythic).
- Sets (Genesis, Core, Order…).
- Quality (classic, meteorite, gold…).
Create a deck
Workshop is the tab containing your decks.
A base deck is created for each God so you get the hang of it.
Like in each card game, there are different archetypes of decks: are you more aggressive, controled, hybrid (midrange), combo or even suicide?
It is up to you to express your creativity in fitting the best combos!
For the less inspired, it is possible to directly import decks from other players, some are composed with base cards and for others, you’ll have to buy the cards on the marketplace (on Immutable or on the GU Decks page presented later on).
Forge your cards
The Forge allows to merge cards from a classic to a superior quality. Remember that only superior cards have a value and can be exchanged on the Immutable marketplace or secondary exchanges!
In terms of quality (and price), the rating in ascending order is as follow: Classic, Meteorite, Shadow, Gold and Diamond.
2 classic cards merge into a meteorite. To obtain a shadow card, 5 meteorites are necessary, 5 shadows build a gold and finaly, 5 golds to get a diamond… Good luck!
The cost of forging of each cards varies depending of its scarcity:
- Common: 20 Flux and 0.1 GODS.
- Rare: 40 Flux and 0.3 GODS.
- Epic: 120 Flux and 0.9 GODS.
- Legendary: 200 Flux and 1.5 GODS.
Buying packs
In addition to the packs offered when reaching a new level, the tab “Buy Packs” redirects you to the Gods Unchained page to buy packs of your choice (with a promotion, percentage dropping each day).
You’ll have the possibility to pay with your Metamask account or any other compatibel ERC-20 wallet, or directly via credit card.
All the details on the probabilities to obtain cards of quality and superior scarcity of the last set are here:
Which God to choose?
6 different Gods fight in the arena, each one having its cards, its heroic powers, its play style…

God of Light
Advantages: Boost its servants, resist in healing its servants and the God.
Disadvantages: No so called “cleaner” spell (that affects many servants), may have troubles finish a game (no spell to directly reach the ennemy god).
Game style: Combo, hybride, control.

God of Death
Advantages: Can rapidly overwhelm the opponent, inflicts numerous direct damages.
Disadvantages: Style based on certain “key cards” one should not loose.
Game style: Suicide, agressive.

God of War
Advantages: Inflicts a lot of damages, consequent choice of weapons.
Disadvantages: Can quickly be out of breath. Has to finish the game quickly.
Game style: Agressive.

God of Nature
Advantages: A lot of creatures with good stats.
Disadvantages: Creatures and spells hit randomly.
Game style: Controle, agressive, hybride.

God of Magic
Advantages: A lot of spells.
Disadvantages: Style based on certain “key cards” one should not loose.
Game style: Controle, combo.

God of Deception
Advantages: A lot of choice. Can steal cards of its opponent.
Disadvantages: Sensible to controle. The start of a game can be tough.
Game style: Combo, controle.
Utility webpages
GU Decks
As said earlier, GU Decks is the bible of Gods Unchained.
There you’ll find statistics about the best decks you’ll be able to copy and import, the current meta (game style) and many more informations. During week-end rank, follow your progression, this will spare you to count your wins and losses…
The Marketplace tab leads you to the secondary marketplace of Gods Unchained:
Token Trove
On Token Trove, find cards at better prices than on the main marketplace.
Like on Immutable, connect your wallet to get a glimpse of the value of your collection and to know what are your best cards! Find the last cards you sold, listed…
An interesting parameter: you can see the prices in USD. For this, head up to the “Settings”.
This platform gathers other games like Guild of Guardians, also developed by Immutable.
The Gods Unchained events
Gods Unchained knows how to rewards there active and loyal users.
Week-end rank
As its name already says, this event is weekly and is from friday 1pm to monday 1pm. Entrants get rewards with numerous packs of cards.
The concept is easy, win as much as possible of the first 25 games you do! The number of rewards is proportional to the amount of victories.
Another parameter comes into play: your rank at the start of the weekend (fridays 1pm)
There are 12 ranks, from Rusted Bronze to Mythical.
Lets look at some examples:
- If you are Rusted Bronze, your best reward will be the one proposed for 13 victories out of 25.
- If you are Mythical, all the rewards are unlocked.
This system allows to valorise going higher up in ranks. Otherwise, it would be easy to start the weekend by fighting opponents of a lower level and win rewards easily.
Find the amount of packs and limits depending on the ranks:
Blessing of the Gods
Recently introduced, this event lasts until the 24th of january 2022. It allows to win $GODS tokens!
The formula goes as follow: cumulate points (1 to 5) while playing games and reaching a high rank. Than, you’ll get the tokens according to this calculation: won $GODS = (your amount of points / total of points of all users) * $GODS in the pool
Depending of the amount of active users during the week, the pool increases:
- Basic reward : 100 000 $GODS.
- 50 000 users: 225 000 $GODS.
- 75 000 users: 350 000 $GODS.
- 100 000 users: 500 000 $GODS.
For more details :
Retrospective Rewards
Those events were made to reward the first users with 30 million $GODS, that is 6% of the supply!
Therefore, a first airdrop happened for the registred players before the 21st of june 2021, the second one for the ones who exchanged cards on the Immutable marketplace.
Those rewards can be claimed until the 28th of april 2022.
The GODS token
The token was launched at then end of october 2021. The supply counts 20 million tokens, 12.3 millions for the community and 1.4 million were publicly sold.
The main benefits of the tokens are the followings:
- Take part in the governance and vote for important decisions.
- Forge cards.
- Stake and earn passive revenue.
- Buy packs of cards.

Our opinion about Gods Unchained
The gaming sector and particularly the P2E (Play to Earn) experiences a lot of interest and a great number of projects are being developed, of course, with its amount of weird projects, to not say scam.
Gods Unchained is curently one of the most popular blockchain game, supported by a huge, ever expanding, community and developed by none other than Immutable.
With a pleasant gameplay, numerous updates and rewards, Gods Unchained proved itself in the past. Everything is there to believe that this game will win in popularity and maybe one day… really compete against Hearthstone.